
poo - poo

Digestive Health Record App

#UXUI #Branding #Illustration #App

UXUI Design
The Poo-poo Calendar app records users’ health on the digestive system, helping them track and analyze their digestive condition. Additionally, the app suggests relevant products based on their individual situations.
More and more people are focusing on health and well-being, realizing the importance of regular digestion. Without it, various diseases, skin issues, and mental problems can easily arise. Keeping track of the digestive system helps maintain an energetic life.

Whole Journey​

App Only

Design Highlight&
Prototype Design

I made a game-like app for collecting stool samples to help users feel more at ease. By including visuals like different choices to select from and the option to personalize characters, it makes the app more engaging and interesting for users.

contain two view mode: monthly/weekly

A report will be generated using the user-inserted record. Feedback and tips will be provided to the user

Widget Design

To remind the user to record today's data


Different type of poo

Type 1:

Hard and separate little lumps that look like nuts and are hard to pass

Type 2:

Log-shaped but lumpy​​

Type 3:

Log-shaped with some cracks on the surface ​

Type 4:

Smooth and snake-like ​

Type 5:

Small, like the first ones, but soft and easy to pass; the blobs also have clear cut edges​​

Type 6:

Fluffy and mushy with ragged edges​​

Type 7:

Completely watery with no solid piece


This is the MVP version of our app. We will further explore data analysis and work with health organizations to improve the reports. Our aim is to offer educational and valuable information to assist users in leading a healthy lifestyle.
I believe that publishing this type of illustrated functional app in the market is necessary to bring joy to people’s daily lives.
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